
The Umbrella
導演: 曾慶宏


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製作地點 香港
製作年份 2018
長度 21' 59''
色彩 彩色
語言 粵語對白,中英文字幕
類型 劇情
拍攝格式 高清
影片簡介 2014 年10 月的一個夜晚,雨下個不停。大學宿舍內,雨聲讀書聲討論聲聲聲入耳。幾個各有各生活背景和立場的年輕人,被分派到同一楝宿舍生活,共同度過這一夜。在沉默與吵鬧之中,他們學習互相了解和體諒,憑藉的是對社會的關懷。聲援同學的行動一觸即發,靜止長鏡頭所捕捉的,是年輕人思變的躁動與不安。
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「這大概是亞洲最重要的短片影展其一。每年,國際電影人和代表都會聚集於此,欣賞電影、參加工作坊和建立人脈,以便以後的合作。影展一直强調向本地觀衆,特別是小童推廣電影文化的發展.. [更多內容]
「這大概是亞洲最重要的短片影展其一。每年,國際電影人和代表都會聚集於此,欣賞電影、參加工作坊和建立人脈,以便以後的合作。影展一直强調向本地觀衆,特別是小童推廣電影文化的發展。不少工作坊和快閃放映劇院也是為兒童觀衆計劃的,因此令影展更具教育意義及持續性。 這次影展對電影人的招待十分周到,並在資源有限的情況下,提供了足夠良好的餐飲服務。我在其中也得到了許多機會談論自己的工作,和了解其他人在香港以外所做的事。這次影展非常歡迎新鮮又富實驗性的題材。每份作品對我來説,都是令人大開眼界的經歷。 放映場地遍佈到巴厘島各地,同時亦給予我了解印尼文化的機會。來自大型影展例如克萊蒙費朗和坦佩雷的重要人物,也參加了這個影展。從此可見,這個影展能夠成爲向國際觀衆宣傳亞洲短片的窗口。」

—《下雨天》導演曾慶宏得到第五屆印尼MINIKINO FILM WEEK峇里國際短片節的邀請,並透過「香港短片新里程」計劃的資助,前往當地觀摩後之感想。
“It was my first time attending the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, the most reputable short film festival in the world with very long history of promoting short film culture. Therefore, the short films selected by them are always the best-watch of the year. It also attracts many visitors from across the world every year.. [More]
“It was my first time attending the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, the most reputable short film festival in the world with very long history of promoting short film culture. Therefore, the short films selected by them are always the best-watch of the year. It also attracts many visitors from across the world every year. I am so honoured that my short film could be screened at this well-known film festival.

In Clermont, the festival venues were also very concentrated, I could basically visit different locations within walking distance, which allowed me to save time for travelling between different activities. During the festival, I have attended some conferences and watched many excellent short films. The people there are friendly and appreciate short films very much. To my surprise, there were many old people among the audience.

In addition, the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival has a dedicated international short film market, where I met a lot of filmmakers I knew before and we have discussed future cooperation opportunities together. I also visited the booths of different countries, such as Iran, Italy, Germany, and the Czech Republic. I have learned what kind of cooperation opportunities each country has for co-productions for independent films. The information was greatly useful to me for developing future projects. It is worth coming back and I hope I would have this chance.”

— Shared by Tsang Hing-weng Eric, director of The Umbrella after attending the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival & Market 2020 in France, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* 資料由導演提供
