
Have a Nice Day
導演: 劉國瑞


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製作地點 香港
製作年份 2018
長度 25' 00''
色彩 彩色
語言 烏都語、英語及粵語,中英文字幕
類型 劇情
拍攝格式 高清
影片簡介 一無所有的巴基斯坦移民Babar出獄後,發現妻子Hina及兒子Ali已經搬離租住的房子。無奈之下,他只好投靠好友Numan,並由其得知妻子要與他離婚。Babar為了挽回妻子,四處找工,證明自己改過自新。但他這個低學歷、有案底的少數族裔在香港卻頻頻遭受歧視。某次面試,他從同行中得知網約車報酬豐厚,但卻被警方取締。他冒險向Numan借車,在這個非法平台上,開始了網約車司機的末路窮途。但他邋遢的形象卻令許多乘客卻步,因此他的負評越來越多,乘客也越來越少。為了挽救自己的司機生涯,他聽從了網約車導師的勸告,剃去了回教徒男人視為神聖的大鬍子⋯⋯
發行及放映 查詢


「美國亞裔國際電影節映示了美國最優秀的亞裔電影。很高興Have A Nice Day被選為影展放映作品其一。我在紐約遇到不少亞裔電影人,他們都在不同層面上啟發了我.. [更多內容]
「美國亞裔國際電影節映示了美國最優秀的亞裔電影。很高興Have A Nice Day被選為影展放映作品其一。我在紐約遇到不少亞裔電影人,他們都在不同層面上啟發了我。由於我的短片電影是關於香港的少數種裔,而且大多數亞洲人是美國的新移民,因此這些電影人都非常明瞭鏡頭下的故事。影展除了放映作品,亦準備了很多活動,好讓所有電影人可以互相認識和了解。更不用説這個城市充滿多少藝術活動,博物館和藝術電影院。我非常享受這次旅程,令我感到意外的是,這次電影節也吸引了不少亞洲觀衆來到紐約參加影展。在這次旅程中,我認識了許多住在美國的亞洲人,例如一位移民到紐約已有五十年的老年女士。從他們身上我更加了解到這個國家,也明白到亞洲人在通往電影業成功之路的辛酸。」

「Jahorina Film Festival was fun overall, most of the films and filmmakers are from Balkans district, which is very special for me. The festival organised different networking events and cultural tours for filmmakers were beneficial in terms of cultural exchange. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a very beautiful country with very complicated history, we even visited Sarajevo, which experienced siege 25 years ago.. [More]
「Jahorina Film Festival was fun overall, most of the films and filmmakers are from Balkans district, which is very special for me. The festival organised different networking events and cultural tours for filmmakers were beneficial in terms of cultural exchange. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a very beautiful country with very complicated history, we even visited Sarajevo, which experienced siege 25 years ago. I had a lot of discussions with people from Serbia, Russia, etc. I am glad that they liked my film very much. They found the story about the immigrant family very moving. They also invited me to show my short films in their countries. Some of them even proposed to co-produce documentary.

Most of the films and filmmakers at the festival were from Balkans district, which was very special for me. The four-day trip was too short for me to know the country thoroughly, but the people in the town and staff from the festival were really friendly and helpful. Last but not the least, I would like to thank the jury panel for awarding me the Special Award, this is the first award this film ever received!」


* 資料由導演提供
