
I Draw Inside A Sheep
導演: 黃嘉褀


  • 影片資料
  • 演出及製作
  • 獎項及放映
  • 導演簡介

製作地點 冰島
製作年份 2018
長度 13' 57''
色彩 彩色
語言 英語對白,中英文字幕
類型 劇情
拍攝格式 高清
影片簡介 白色的太陽在午夜升起,女孩在尋找一直在她夢中出現的男孩。但是,她從不知道他的樣子。她決定跟隨在她旅程中遇上的羊。慢慢的,羊帶她走向那個男孩......
發行及放映 查詢


This is a very fruitful trip as I have the opportunity to attend various masterclasses and panel discussions. I learned not only about filmmaking but also things like festival distribution, marketing and pitching techniques. I hope to make better use of these knowledge and to make better films in the future.

I enjoyed the pitching session most because it is actually a very important process in filmmaking, whether you are to explain to your investors about what the film is about or to persuade the crew how to achieve your vision, so I am very glad that by attending this festival, I got to pitch in front of a professional panel whom they immediately gave me feedback on my presentation skills and also the story idea. Now I have gathered enough information and feedbacks to work on the script and the pitch further and I am looking into getting the script finished and hopefully to get it financed and made.

* 資料由導演提供
