
導演: 羅潤庭


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  • 導演簡介

製作地點 香港
製作年份 2016
長度 30'00''
色彩 彩色
語言 無對白及字幕
類型 Video game installation
拍攝格式 software
影片簡介 Based on the field recordings made in 2007, Processions (2016) reveals the resonance of religious occasion of Taoism procession of Hunger Ghost Festival in simulated environment. By using different signs and assets of game engine Unity3D, the works situates sound in the game environment and the work tries to reexamine the perspectives and gestures of listening and the relationship between auditory and visual experiences in a digital/simulated environment and with positioning sound as subject matter in game, it conveys the artist’s question and reflection of how sound art and game art emerging together. With situating field recordings in an digital environment instead of pure transmissions through recordings, does our listening experiences changed? Does it affect our usual perception of sound, and how? The work itself is not mean to an end as a game to be played and but a process of exploring with experiences, listening, observing details and signs with auditory materials.
發行及放映 查詢


「這趟行程令我有機會認識到來自不同文化背景的觀眾,能了解到他們對我的作品的反應是一大樂趣。我在影展也認識到一些藝術工作者、藝術館工作者和藝術工作的行政人員,我們對互相都有大概的了解。與與他們的談話中,我認識到他們的生活環境和其對於他們創作的影響.. [更多內容]

—《Procession》導演羅潤庭得到日本2017 PLAY.GROUND: video game art from Hong Kong的邀請,並透過「香港短片新里程」計劃的資助,前往當地觀摩後感想。

* 資料由導演提供
