
导演: 李锦鸿


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制作地点 香港
制作年份 2019
长度 2' 28''
色彩 彩色
语言 无对白及字幕
类型 动画
拍摄格式 HDV
影片简介 这套动画是关於一个办公室员工,他十分不注重自己的个人卫生。一天,他造了一个关於他的蜘蛛宠物变大了并打算吃了他的梦,他醒来後便醒觉自己应该保持个人卫生,然後他便打扫自己的办公室。
发行及放映 查询


This trip help me learnt a lot.Not just acquire more filming skills,i aslo spot that there are different issues in different country.For example,in some  developing countries,they lack of education,they can only learn by their own. I notice that nobody can solve the world’s most challenging issues alone.That’s why IYMS push boundaries and break
barriers.Fueled by the power of media, we come together to make an impact on the world. IYMS gather up plenty
people come from different countries with different background.They all wanted to try their best to let other people know more about their situation in their countries.They do not want the issue in their countries that happen in other country, which is why they choose to join IYMS. Since they want to change the world with their power. I also meet a lot of different people that teach me a lot of new things, a part from their own language, also the local culture of Nepal.

—《Worm》导演李锦鸿得到2019尼泊尔尼泊尔International Youth Media Summit的邀请,并透过「香港短片新里程」计划的资助,前往当地观摩後之感想。

* 资料由导演提供
