
导演: 张尤丶叶泽深


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  • 导演简介

制作地点 香港
制作年份 2019
长度 2' 22''
色彩 彩色
语言 无对白及字幕
类型 动画
拍摄格式 高清
影片简介 在一个灯泡店里, 有三个灯泡, 他们在选择偷不偷全新的电路板, 两个灯泡选择了偷, 但主角不偷. 最後, 那两个灯泡被扔走了. 这个故事教导我们要诚实和做出正确的选择.
发行及放映 查询


「这是我第一次离开香港到其他国家参加比赛。它让我留下了一个难忘的回忆。我在美国看到了不同风格的建筑,这些能够带给我更多制作动画的灵感.. [更多内容]

—《Decision》导演张尤得到美国Teen Animation Festival International 2019的邀请,并透过「香港短片新里程」计划的资助,前往当地观摩後之感想。
"I think that the trip was amazing since I got to travel around Croatia and learn about their culture, it is something I have never seen before, the buildings there looked very detailed. I also got to talk to the local people there using English. It was my first time going to an animation festival and I liked it.. [More]
"I think that the trip was amazing since I got to travel around Croatia and learn about their culture, it is something I have never seen before, the buildings there looked very detailed. I also got to talk to the local people there using English. It was my first time going to an animation festival and I liked it. The animation screened there were humorous and interesting. I learnt a lot from their works. Not to mention the workshop which made me learn the process of making a stop motion animation and how to make one. Although I did not win any awards, I still think this trip was great and benefited me in many different ways. Not only did I learn animation skills and techniques, I also learnt how to talk to people confidently, the different cultures in europe, what to be aware of when traveling and so on."

—《Decision》导演叶泽深得到克罗地亚VAFI - International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival Varaždin 2019的邀请,并透过「香港短片新里程」计划的资助,前往当地观摩後之感想。

* 资料由导演提供
