
Have a Nice Day
导演: 刘国瑞


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制作地点 香港
制作年份 2018
长度 25' 00''
色彩 彩色
语言 乌都语丶英语及粤语,中英文字幕
类型 剧情
拍摄格式 高清
影片简介 一无所有的巴基斯坦移民Babar出狱後,发现妻子Hina及儿子Ali已经搬离租住的房子。无奈之下,他只好投靠好友Numan,并由其得知妻子要与他离婚。Babar为了挽回妻子,四处找工,证明自己改过自新。但他这个低学历丶有案底的少数族裔在香港却频频遭受歧视。某次面试,他从同行中得知网约车报酬丰厚,但却被警方取缔。他冒险向Numan借车,在这个非法平台上,开始了网约车司机的末路穷途。但他邋遢的形象却令许多乘客却步,因此他的负评越来越多,乘客也越来越少。为了挽救自己的司机生涯,他听从了网约车导师的劝告,剃去了回教徒男人视为神圣的大胡子⋯⋯
发行及放映 查询


「美国亚裔国际电影节映示了美国最优秀的亚裔电影。很高兴Have A Nice Day被选为影展放映作品其一。我在纽约遇到不少亚裔电影人,他们都在不同层面上启发了我.. [更多内容]
「美国亚裔国际电影节映示了美国最优秀的亚裔电影。很高兴Have A Nice Day被选为影展放映作品其一。我在纽约遇到不少亚裔电影人,他们都在不同层面上启发了我。由於我的短片电影是关於香港的少数种裔,而且大多数亚洲人是美国的新移民,因此这些电影人都非常明了镜头下的故事。影展除了放映作品,亦准备了很多活动,好让所有电影人可以互相认识和了解。更不用説这个城市充满多少艺术活动,博物馆和艺术电影院。我非常享受这次旅程,令我感到意外的是,这次电影节也吸引了不少亚洲观衆来到纽约参加影展。在这次旅程中,我认识了许多住在美国的亚洲人,例如一位移民到纽约已有五十年的老年女士。从他们身上我更加了解到这个国家,也明白到亚洲人在通往电影业成功之路的辛酸。」

「Jahorina Film Festival was fun overall, most of the films and filmmakers are from Balkans district, which is very special for me. The festival organised different networking events and cultural tours for filmmakers were beneficial in terms of cultural exchange. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a very beautiful country with very complicated history, we even visited Sarajevo, which experienced siege 25 years ago.. [More]
「Jahorina Film Festival was fun overall, most of the films and filmmakers are from Balkans district, which is very special for me. The festival organised different networking events and cultural tours for filmmakers were beneficial in terms of cultural exchange. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a very beautiful country with very complicated history, we even visited Sarajevo, which experienced siege 25 years ago. I had a lot of discussions with people from Serbia, Russia, etc. I am glad that they liked my film very much. They found the story about the immigrant family very moving. They also invited me to show my short films in their countries. Some of them even proposed to co-produce documentary.

Most of the films and filmmakers at the festival were from Balkans district, which was very special for me. The four-day trip was too short for me to know the country thoroughly, but the people in the town and staff from the festival were really friendly and helpful. Last but not the least, I would like to thank the jury panel for awarding me the Special Award, this is the first award this film ever received!」


* 资料由导演提供
