
To The Top


  • 影片资料
  • 演出及制作
  • 奖项及放映
  • 导演简介

制作地点 香港
制作年份 2017
长度 01'21''
色彩 彩色及黑白
语言 无对白或字幕
类型 动画
拍摄格式 HDV
影片简介 一个旅行者正试图攀上世界上最高的山,一场惊险,刺激的旅程就此展开.
发行及放映 查询


I am not good at talking with other people in English, so I
was a little bit afraid when I first went to the screening location. It will be
embarrassing when I don't understand what they are trying to say. Luckily, the
creators are very patient and friendly. English speaking used to be a nightmare
to me, but after discussing animation techniques with creators, I feel that my
English has improved a lot. Also, the animations there are very different from
Hong Kong. It was both a surprising and exciting experience to watch these
animations. Hopefully, I can fully put them to use in my next animation.
Moreover, I would love to explore other parts of the world to learn their
animation culture as well. For an animator, there will be non-stop objectives
to reach and so much things left to learn, it's awesome to see how far we have
to go.

— Shared by Chin Kam Tat Tony,
director of To The Top after attending the VAFI -
International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival Varaždin in Croatia,
under the sponsorship of NAE.

* 资料由导演提供
