Film Title

My World
Director: Jun Li


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2018
Duration 30' 24''
Colour Colour
Language In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
Genre Drama
Shooting Format HD
Synopsis Revolt is youth. An ambitious teacher’s pet and a pair of quirky siblings challenge gender roles and traditional morals through seven exam questions. This wild and philosophising film leaves no stone unturned.
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

Golden Harvest Awards, which is very well-known in the industry, focuses on cultivating outstanding short films in Taiwan, as well as create opportunities for Chinese-language filmmakers to exchange.  The festival is very cosy, and I met many aspiring filmmakers a lot younger than me, which was very different from a lot of the festivals I attended. It is the first time that I felt like I was older than a lot of my peers, and I had a lot to learn from them.. [More]
Golden Harvest Awards, which is very well-known in the industry, focuses on cultivating outstanding short films in Taiwan, as well as create opportunities for Chinese-language filmmakers to exchange.  The festival is very cosy, and I met many aspiring filmmakers a lot younger than me, which was very different from a lot of the festivals I attended. It is the first time that I felt like I was older than a lot of my peers, and I had a lot to learn from them.
I have been developing different connections with Taipei distributors, and producers. Every time I go back to Taipei, I will meet them and share with them my latest project developments. This trip helps me further develop my connections with Taiwanese filmmakers and audiences.
“My World” is a work that is highly specific to Hong Kong's local atmosphere. Audiences had different interpretations in different festivals globally. I am amazed to learn about how my works are viewed and understood in different cultural context. An artist cannot really improve himself without getting into the real world and learning how his works are received first-hand. I would like to thank NAE for providing this opportunity to me to visit there!

— Shared by Jun Li, director of My World after attending the 41st Golden Harvest Awards & Short Film Festival in Taiwan, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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