Film Title

Call Me Mrs. Chan
Director: Chan Hau-chun, Chui Chi-yin


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2017
Duration 15' 53''
Colour Colour
Language Fukienese
Genre Documentary
Shooting Format HDV
Synopsis No one knows the slope of a refuse chute, the angle a worker bends to pick up a garbage bag. No one heard the noise from the refuse room, is it the glass broken or the worker fallen? 10 years of collecting the waste, being disrespected, having a sore waist and an aching back. It is a degrading job, but I will still go on.
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

“We’ve heard of the Clermont Short Film Festival, but it was the first time that we attend it. We have learnt a lot from this trip. By watching various screenings every day, we recognize the limitation of our imagination and vision.. [More]
“We’ve heard of the Clermont Short Film Festival, but it was the first time that we attend it. We have learnt a lot from this trip. By watching various screenings every day, we recognize the limitation of our imagination and vision. These high-quality international short films not only bring us the visual impact, but also the soul punch.”

Shared by Chan Hau
Chun and Chui Chi Yin,
directors of Call Me Mrs Chan after attending Clermont-Ferrand
International Short Film Festival & Market 2018 in France, under the
sponsorship of NAE. ”

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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