“This is my first cross-field work to combine different forms of art: documentary, theatrical play and fiction. In Lost Cemeteries I tried to explore the issues of life and death, truth and falsity, filial piety and conflicts between individual and society. At the festival, I was sitting beside groups of short film lovers and groups of creative artists, I can explore what the artists and audience expect, what the European market needs, and the popularity and trends of short films..
[More]“This is my first cross-field work to combine different forms of art: documentary, theatrical play and fiction. In Lost Cemeteries I tried to explore the issues of life and death, truth and falsity, filial piety and conflicts between individual and society. At the festival, I was sitting beside groups of short film lovers and groups of creative artists, I can explore what the artists and audience expect, what the European market needs, and the popularity and trends of short films.”
— Shared by Ho Ying-Kuen,
director of Lost Cemeteries after attending Clermont-Ferrand
International Short Film Festival & Market 2018 in France, under the
sponsorship of NAE.
*picture is extracted
from https://www.instagram.com/clermontfilmfest/