Film Title

Shear Marks
Director: Kwok Man-ho, Lam Ho-tak, Ng Kai-chung


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2015
Duration 8'42
Colour Color
Language In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
Genre Animation
Shooting Format HD
Synopsis The lines marked on the lamppost, which records the height of Chi, carry his childhood memories in the era of resettlement. The frivolous youthful days, the budding first love, the past with no regrets… mixed memories reappear in his mind’s eye, lighting up the innocence in his heart all over again.
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

“This trip was quite enriching. I get to
know animation industry in other countries. The range of topics covered by the
short films there is quite wide, from discussion on life, greediness, desire,
to humor, preaching, gaming etc.. [More]
“This trip was quite enriching. I get to
know animation industry in other countries. The range of topics covered by the
short films there is quite wide, from discussion on life, greediness, desire,
to humor, preaching, gaming etc. Productions are of big-scale, and you can see
the effort they have put on the small details.

I learned
a lot from the discussion between animation makers and I. It was really
eye-opening. In free time I visited numerous museums to understand the history
and culture there. I believe these experiences will be helpful on my upcoming
animation production.”

— Shared by Kwok Man-Ho, director of Shear
Marks, after attending Cartoons on the
Bay - International Cross-media and Children's Television Festival 2016 in Venice, under the sponsorship of NAE.
International Cartoon and Animation Festival is one of the largest animation
festival in the world. It is a great experience for an animator to participate
and visit. The festival had selected the very best works from over 2000
submissions all over the world, so all the selected works were of high quality.. [More]
International Cartoon and Animation Festival is one of the largest animation
festival in the world. It is a great experience for an animator to participate
and visit. The festival had selected the very best works from over 2000
submissions all over the world, so all the selected works were of high quality.
I am amazed by the animation technic, story and idea of the works. All the
works selected are from different countries. The difference in cultures usually
have obvious effects on the ideas of works and generated many out-of-the-box
stories. It was a very great chance to see different cultures from all around
the world in one festival. By visiting this festival, I learnt a lot of new
ideas and technics that I have never seen before. It helped me to better
understand how animation is going on in different countries and this has really
helped a lot on my future planning.”

by Lam Ho-tak, director of Shears Marks,
after attending the Seoul
International Cartoon and Animation Festival 2016 in South Korea, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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